
Saturday 11 February 2017

Let's Embrace Our Life!


The last time I wrote something here was on early 2014 and I still boleh lagi cakap Malay sikit-sikit time tu. I was still complaining and regretting things, especially my decision to further study to SMIH.

Now it's February 2017.

My Malay semakin teruk sebab dah lama tak practice dan dah lama tak tengok drama Melayu haha.

But things have been better, I guess. I've moved on. I let go.

I've learned a lot of things for the past three years. I know I still have a lot of issues and problems here in my life: quarter life crisis, relationship, indesicive me needs to make a lot of important decisions, organizations, school, family, etc. It's complicated, really. But I'm not gonna give up anyway. Life is beautiful in its own way.

So, yeah! Let's embrace our life!